Autonomous Birth Sessions

This package includes two 1 hour sessions.

Birth - perhaps the most sacred, powerful and pivotal experience of our lives as women. However, society would tell us something entirely different. Birth is something to numb, schedule, measure, chart, and control; the implied message is that it doesn’t matter how your birth unfolds. Obstetrics has an answer for every variation and at the end of the day, all that matters is that you have a breathing baby in your arms.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

If you’ve found this page, you already know this to be true: you have a deep, innate knowing that HOW you birth absolutely does matter. Perhaps you’ve had this sense for years but haven’t found a place or space to articulate it.

This is that space.

Perhaps you know that you don’t want to birth in the system, but are scared to step outside of it - scared of the unknown, of complications, of judgements from family and friends.

Perhaps you feel like hospital birth is your only option because of your location and access to resources; yet, some part of you yearns for the opportunity to have another choice. If only “X, Y or Z” were different, then you could choose where you want to birth.

Perhaps you worry that you are not in the right category to make the choice to birth at home. Perhaps you are too old, too overweight, too ‘high risk’, too much history of things going wrong in previous births, too far away from a hospital, too uneducated about birth.

Perhaps you feel far too alone to make that decision. None of your friends have birthed at home (except for that one hippy lady), your husband wouldn’t understand, your family would freak out. Yet still, something in your heart wishes it were different.

It’s time to change the conversation around birth choices, to identify fact from fiction, fear from reality and reframe this decision in the context of the biological norm.

After all, what could be more normal than birthing a baby?
In the Autonomous Birth Sessions, you will work with an experienced, empathic and knowledgeable birth keeper who will provide you with:

  • 2 one hour online video consults, scheduled at any time in your pregnancy, in which we will discuss and assist you with planning your autonomous birth. In our discussions, we will:

    • Help you identify the root of your fears, shift and move past them, allowing you to clearly identify where and how YOU want to give birth.

    • Sort fact from fiction in regards to birth complications, placing them within the context of biological, physiological birth.

    • Provide you will a supply list of easily accessible items to have on hand for your autonomous birth.

    • Discuss specifics related to your location and social network - how to deal with judgment, questions and fear-mongering that you may encounter.

    • Connect you with other woman who have freebirthed, creating a much needed sense of community and support.

    • If needed, discuss with you and your partner concerns or fears you or he may have, facilitating communication and openness and creating a plan to address specific scenarios.

    • If this it not your first birth, we will review your previous birth(s) through the lens of biological birth, helping answer any lingering questions, clear any emotional and physical trauma you may have encountered, allowing you to move towards your upcoming birth with freedom and release.

    • Discuss who you may want to invite to your birth, including children, birth workers, friends, family or photographers with the priority of maintaining the safety and sacredness of your space.

    • All this and so much more, personalized for you and your specific needs.

  • You will also have access to email and text support throughout your pregnancy, answered within 24 hours.

  • Access to our wealth of resources, tailored to meet your specific needs.

  • A “Birth Principles” workbook, designed to ask questions that help you get to the root of your fears.

These sessions are open to all women, no matter what type of birth you are planning. We understand how complex this choice is and perhaps you feel you aren’t ready to take the step into fully autonomous birth but would still like to benefit from exploring this option. With our extensive background and experience we can help you to optimize your birth experience, no matter the location, by offering support, education, tools and resources for navigating the many decisions of pregnancy and birth.

We look forward to working with you.
